Frequently Used Staff Resources:
Staff can use the following link to sign up for activities to count towards their 12 hours:
Got an idea for a helpful staff link? Email Matt Oliphant — moliphant [at] crschools [dot] us (Science Teacher/Webmaster)
Other Possibly Helpful Resources:
- Big Timer – large, simple timer to use on a SMART Board
- OneDrive/Office365 – note: login information might be different than your Google account
- WeVideo – online video editing software (use school Google account)
- Habitudes – for Advisory days
- ClassLink – easy single sign-on access to various resources
- Canvas – the District learning management system
- AP Classroom – for Advanced Placement classes
- Approved Chrome Extensions – extensions approved by the District for use on school computers
- Emojipedia – copy/paste access to hundreds of emoji
- Cult of Pedagogy – website dedicated to teaching and teaching tools
- National Weather Service – current and future weather conditions in the JHS area