Is your student going to be absent? Please call the Jefferson Attendance Office at 319-558-2435, option 1. You can also email us at jeffersonattendance@crschools.us
Excused Absences
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the student’s attendance center as soon as they know their student will not be attending school. If the school is not notified of the reason for the absence, it will be counted as unexcused. The parent may rectify this by giving verbal notice within two days of the reason for the absence, or provide necessary documentation. The administrator reserves the right to verify an absence as excused or unexcused and may request evidence or written verification of the student’s reason for absence. Student absences approved by the administrator are excused absences.
CRCSD School Board Policy 602a –
Student Absences
A student may be excused for a valid reason as defined within the CRCSD attendance policy. Guardian verbal notification needs to be received within two days of absences. If documentation of excused absences is available, this should be shared with the school building. Administration reserves the right to verify an absence as excused or unexcused. Reasons for which a student’s absence from school may be excused are:
- Illness – as long as an attendance contract is not in place
- Medically documented chronic or extended illness, hospitalization, doctor’s care, or school nurse’s approval
- Medical or dental care
- Death or serious illness in the family
- Religious holidays requiring absences from school
- Court appearances or other legal proceedings beyond the control of the family
- Class time missed because of attendance at a school-sponsored trip or activity
- Other verified emergency absences as approved by the building administrator
- Other reasons which can be justified from an educational standpoint and which are approved in advance by the building administrator
Reporting to school late or an assigned area late constitutes tardy.
A student is considered tardy if:
- Enters class after the period has begun and up to 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the student is considered absent.
- If a student enters the building for the day after these tardy time frames, the school designee will record their entry time into Infinite Campus using the Check In/Check Out feature in which this time will count towards unexcused absences.
Key contacts
Contact the attendance office at: 319-558-2435, option 1.