Learn more about upcoming reunions below. Most recently received information is on top.
Class Reunions
Class of 1974
The Big 5-0 Class Reunion – July 19-21- 2024.
*Facebook reunion page for info and updates: ‘Cedar Rapids Jefferson Class of ’74 Reunion’
*Committee head: Gail Horsky Fuqua-email: Gfuqua74@gmail.com for info if not on FB.
*Classmate callers will be reaching out to classmates for their current contact info. If not on Facebook, please email Gail.
Hope to see you there!!
Class of 1977
Dear Class of ‘77 Alumni,
Our 45th reunion is fast approaching! Mark your calendar and join us Friday, July 8th and Saturday, July 9th, 2022. Whether this is your first chance to attend a reunion, or you are an experienced reunion attendee, you won’t want to miss the festivities. Reunions provide a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends, make new friends and rediscover the life as a teen in 1977. The celebration activities are as follows:
Friday, July 8, 2022
Ice Breaker 5:30 PM until 12:00 AM, at Stadium Bar and Grill, 957 ROCKFORD RD SW.
There will be karaoke at this event.
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Banquet at Union Sation Sports Bar and Grill ANNEX 1724-16TH AVE SW
Social Hour begins at 5:30pm. Dinner begins at 7:00pm
Dinner will be a buffet. There will be a DJ at this event.
Notifications will be sent to email addresses as well as being posted on FACEBOOK. If you know of any classmates who have not been contacted, please extend this invitation to them, or send their email address to one of the committee members. We are also seeking the names of any deceased members.
Thank you for your efforts in making this 45th Anniversary Class Reunion the best. Do not hesitate to contact any of the committee members with questions. We look forward to seeing you at the reunion.
Your Class of ’77 Reunion Committee:
Janice Goodman – janicelgoodman@gmail.com
Dan LeGrand – danmlegrand@aol.com
Deb Hutton – dhutton315@gmail.com
Karen Goodwater Slingluff – karenkamberling@yahoo.com
Dave Koolbeck – dave.koolbeck@gmail.com
Jim Novak – novakautosales@gmail.com
Class of 1971
MONTHLY MEETUP — Paused for the winter. Watch for an announcement to come in the spring about our monthly meetup. Call/message Gary at 319-560-0880 for a ride if you need one. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH OTHER CLASSMATES
50TH REUNION — held in 2021 — look for pictures on facebook or at Find photos and videos of our 50th Reunion held last summer 2021 at this link: Class of 1971 50th Reunion Photos
FACEBOOK – Click here for a link to our new Facebook group!
YEARBOOK — View the 1971 yearbook
Contact us using this information:
Class of 1976—45th reunion
August 13-14, 2021
Class of 1981—40th reunion
August 6-8, 2021
Class of 1987—35th reunion
August 6, 2022