This page contains information important to seniors during their final year of high school. It will be updated throughout the year.
Senior Portrait Submissions
Posted Tuesday, January 7th
Class of 2025! It’s time to submit your senior portraits for the yearbook and the end-of-the-year slideshow and your senior quotes for the yearbook.
Senior portraits must be in jpeg format, in full color, and be a headshot (head and shoulders).
Senior portraits cannot be in black and white, a screenshot, from Instagram or Snapchat, a selfie, or contain props.
The due date for senior portraits and quotes is March 24. We will post a list of received photos on that date that students can check to ensure we received their photo. We will also email if photos do not meet the requirements.
Email calynch@crschools.us with any questions.
Diploma Information
Posted Wednesday, December 4th
Diplomas will be ordered soon. Seniors must fill out the following Google Form while signed into their school account. The form gathers information for their diplomas, how their name will be announced at commencement, and other information. If the form is not filled out by January 1, 2025, their diploma and name announced at commencement will be the legal name in Infinite Campus.
Cap and Gown Information
Posted Friday, November 22nd, 2024
Students must have a cap and gown to participate in the graduation ceremony. You can borrow one from a friend or sibling or order one from Herff Jones. Please do not use other vendors, as the colors might not match. Order forms can be picked up from the Main Office or you can order online. Click the button below for the link. Make sure to choose Thomas Jefferson High School in Cedar Rapids. Please order by early January 2024 to avoid rush shipping fees. Herff Jones also has additional senior items for optional purchase including class rings, t-shirts and hoodies, announcements, and more.