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The Jefferson High School counseling department is here to support students with their post-graduation plans and provide social and emotional support. Jefferson school counselors are certified and licensed educators with special counseling training.

Parent Approved Release Time (PART) Form

Records Request Forms

Please email Records Request Forms for students transferring/enrolling at another high school to the Jefferson Counseling Department at

Transferring Student

If you are requesting records for a student who attended Jefferson High School and has now enrolled in your high school, please send the Official Records Request to the Jefferson Counseling Department at

Scholarship Information

Please use the link to review the spreadsheet for scholarship information! There are two tabs on the sheet to assist you! Check back often as it will be updated regularly! Please contact your counselor if you have any questions.

Upcoming College/Program Rep Visits

College and Career Representatives interested in setting up a time to meet with students at Jefferson High School please contact our secretary, Regina Christodoulou, at 319-558-2441 or or by email at to schedule an appointment. You may also sign up via Rep Visits.

Interested in attending an upcoming college visit? Check out the link below!

ACT/SAT test prep

View the following test prep resources for the ACT and SAT:

Financial aid

There are many resources available to help students pay for college. Here are a few:

Key contacts

To contact the counseling office: 319-558-2435, option 4.

Katie Sorgenfrey

School Counselor, All 9th Grade

Shawna Ripple

School Counselor, 10-12 Students A-G

Jamie Cummins

School Counselor, 10-12 Students H-N

Judy McIntosh

School Counselor, 10-12 Students O-Z

Kevin Darrow

PACT Advisor

Brenda Morillo

Counseling Secretary / Registrar

Regina Christodoulou

Clerk Typist